

Stefan Unterleithner, bass-baritone I Yu Chen, piano

In his latest album, Stefan Unterleithner dedicates himself to the undisputed master of ballads by Carl Loewe.

With his personal interpretation of the works, the opera singer underscores the strengths that lie in Loewe's ballads - the vivid description of the pictorial tone painting as well as the haunting characterization of figures, locations and events.

"The singer's greatest asset is the thunderous power of his voice in the high registers, and the articulation is also clear" -

Das Opernglas - Magazine, Hamburg

More about the Loewe Album


Stefan Unterleithner, bass-baritone

In this album, Stefan Unterleithner takes us on a journey through the wonderful world of opera.

In the most beautiful arias from Mozart to Verdi to Wagner, the bass-baritone shows us his very personal interpretation of the different works in their most original form. He is accompanied by Maiximilian Bratt on the piano.

More about the Arias album


Reinhild Köhncke, actress

Release date: 2022

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